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Creating Engaging Posts and Pages in 5 Steps

Step 1: Understand Posts vs. Pages

  • Posts: Ideal for dynamic content such as blog articles, news, and updates. They can be categorized, tagged, and are included in RSS feeds.
  • Pages: Best for static content that doesn’t change often. Pages do not use tags or categories and are not included in RSS feeds.

Step 2: Choose the Right Content Type

Decide whether your content is best suited as a post or a page. Consider your audience’s needs and how you want the content to be accessed and navigated on your website.

Step 3: Use the Gutenberg Editor

The Gutenberg editor allows for content creation using blocks, making it simple to add text, images, videos, and more:

  • Familiarize with Gutenberg: Explore the blocks available by clicking the “+” button within the editor.
  • Add Blocks: Choose from various blocks for paragraphs, headings, images, lists, and more to structure your content.

Step 4: Optimize with Blocks

  • Engage with Media: Use image, gallery, and video blocks to make your content visually appealing.
  • Enhance Readability: Utilize headings and lists to structure your content for better readability.

Step 5: Preview and Publish

Before publishing, preview your content to see how it looks on the front end. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure your posts or pages are engaging and well-organized.

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